Monday, August 2, 2010

The Eternal Citadel

Ever since the introduction of the 6 versus 6 scenario, The Ironclad, many players have asking for another one.  In a recent interview, Carrie announced that they are working on one called The Eternal Citadel.  Thursday night, a test of this new scenario was held on the PTS.  Continue on for a video of The Eternal Citadel and a contest!

Contest.  There is an unexpected spectator present in The Eternal Citadel.  The first person to post (in a comment) what it is and where they saw it will win an item code. This is open to all NA and EU (former GOA) players.

NOTE: Ayleen found the sneaky Skaven.

Hint: You may need to use the High Quality Stream or full screen the youtube video.

High Quality Stream can be found here

Youtube version:

This new scenario will start its life as a Weekend Warfront.  Mythic has said if it proves popular that they will consider making it a permanent addition.  It is basically a team deathmatch with a changing VIP type mechanic and a rather large pit of death.  No word yet on when we will see it on the live servers.