Today marks the start of Star Trek Online's Open Beta. In a few short weeks the game will be launching. This will be the first look at the game for a lot of players. I am expecting to see a mixed reaction ranging from joy to loathing. Where do I stand? Read on for the answer and a quick video.
You should know, I like Star Trek. So the setting already puts me in the positive regarding the game. I'm also not a tyrant when it comes to the canon. STO lets me fly around in a spaceship (i.e. the Enterprise) and encounter all sorts of aliens from the show and some new ones. I like the graphics, the feel of flying your ship around and even the ground combat.
Is the game perfect? Not at all. It could stand a month or two more of development. Klingons really got the shaft too. Usually I'm a PvP fan, but I have no desire to do that in STO. Maybe someday I will, but it feels feels too much like Monster Play.
This was just a quick overview of my STO thoughts. Over the next couple weeks I will cover them more in depth. I will also have some more videos, but I wanted to wait for Open Beta to take the footage.
Pardon My French
6 hours ago