The changes coming to armor sets in 1.4.2 are not without their detractors. One issue that has popped up is whether the Doomforged and Warforged armor sets are even an upgrade or worthwhile, respectively. It's a valid concern when looking at the stats. On Friday, Mythic introduced some new changes to these sets.
There are two important new changes on the PTS. The first deals with the 2 piece bonus on the Offensive DPS sets. Here is what they were:
Doomflayer Work Kit: (2 Piece Bonus): On Hit: 10% chance to increase Critical Hit chance by 5% and increase the added value from criticals by 10% for 10 seconds.
Warpforged Work Kit: (2 Piece Bonus): On Hit: 10% chance to increase Critical Hit chance by 7% and increase added value from criticals by 15% for 10 seconds.
Here are the new values on the PTS:
Doomflayer Work Kit: (2 Piece Bonus): On Hit: 10% chance to increase Critical Hit chance by 12% and increase the added value from criticals by 25% for 10 seconds.
Warpforged Work Kit: (2 Piece Bonus): On Hit: 10% chance to increase Critical Hit chance by 15% and increase added value from criticals by 30% for 10 seconds.
And the Offensive Sovereign bonus:
(7 Piece Bonus): On Hit: 10% chance to increase Critical Hit chance by 10% and increases added value from criticals by 20% for 10 seconds.
As you can see, the proc on DF and WF is now better than the one on Sovereign. Plus, it is only a 2 piece bonus whereas Sovereign is a 7 piece. This should help make the advanced sets a bit more attractive without going overboard. Depending on the set, there may still be cases where Sovereign is better (for your playstyle).
The other change was to the Siphon Vitality proc on defensive sets used by melee DPS. It is has been replaced by a Fortitude buff. Fortitude is to Toughness as Ranged Power is to Ballistics. Here is the new 4 piece bonus:
Doomed Battle Kit: (4 Piece Bonus): On Being Attacked: 10% chance to increase Fortitude by 180 for 10 seconds.
Warpfired Battle Kit: (4 Piece Bonus): On Being Attacked: 10% chance to increase Fortitude by 200 for 10 seconds.
SV was the target of a lot of complaints since it healed and did damage. Hopefully this new bonus will go over better since it is now defensive in nature.
You can find links to the rest of the armor sets on the PTS Arsenal of WAR here.
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