Part of what makes Warhammer Online so fun to me is the rivalries that naturally develop from PvP. In PvE games, I don't really care about what the npc's I am killing are. Wheeee, another Gnoll dead, on to the blue ones! In WAR, just defeating certain classes brings a smile to my face.
Magus. I should feel some sympathy for you, but I don't. Every time I see you in your dress surfing around on your two-bit hoverboard, my anger grows. You dare to call yourself my mirror? No one that goofy looking should be in the same company as a Dwarf.
Sorcerer. Look at you, all smug sitting in the back spamming Word of Pain and laughing as big numbers fly across your screen. Every big crit I land on you makes me feel a little better. Oh, now you are going to charge in and spam Searing Pain? Glad I saved this Morale for you.
Squig Herder. I hate you. You've got ranged snares, pets that actually move and pretty much every ability known to Dwarf. You make me want to roll a White Lion just so I can pounce you all day long. Grrrr, the thought of being an Elf just makes me angrier.
Witch Elf. You are an Elf and a stealther. That is a 2x hate modifier. You wait there, hiding in the shadows just to jump a poor ranged class and kill them before they can get a skill off. Not me mind you, but others. There is nothing quite like catching a WE in the open and reminding them of where they belong.
Marauders. I hate you and your Terrible Embrace. Who goes around trying to embrace everyone? Sure, TE and the inevitable knockdown following it are they only things I can think of to hate but that doesn't lessen it. Also, put on a shirt, no one wants to see that.
Disciple of Khaine. I hate you and there is not much I can do about it.