Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good and Bad

It seems I have hit a little drought in stuff to blog about.  It is bound to happen sometimes, that's when a true blogger is able to dig deep and come up with some kind of fluff to fill the day.  The strange part is, I am pretty busy playing games which should mean I have something to write.

Good.  A good chunk of my time has been spent playing two new games.  I like them quite a bit and would love to tell you about them.

Bad.  Both games are in beta and covered by a NDA.  One of which is, of course, Wrath of Heroes.  Sadly, it is in between beta phases at the moment.  The other, as it happens, is another BioWare game: Star Wars: The Old Republic.  That's all I can really say about that.

Being a gamer and blogger can be a bit tough at times like these.  I really want to talk about the games, but if I do I can't play them.  So here I sit in blogging limbo unable to talk about what I'm playing.  I suppose it is a good problem to have in the scheme of things.

I do have something interesting to post involving Warhammer Online soon.  Right now BioWare seems to have a monopoly on my gaming time.  Bootae got me to install X3: Terran Conflict yesterday which is a huge game, so we'll see if I can get into it with my limited time.  I do love X games, but they can eat up more time than a MMO.