I woke up this morning to an e-mail, which was not too much of a surprise. It seems that Star Wars: The Old Republic is now available for pre-order. Is there a release date yet? No, but we can order the game which will be out at some point. It took me all of 20 seconds to decided what to do.
I went ahead and pre-ordered a copy. In fact, it was the Collectors Edition. Spending $150 in one shot on a game is not something I normally do. But the package BioWare has put together makes it worthwhile to me. There are a few reasons I think it is worth the cost.
1) It's BioWare. I have been very happy with my purchases from BioWare over the years. They have built up enough credit with me that spending this much money on a game doesn't feel like a risk.
2) It's Star Wars. I'm a fan of the movies and books. You won't find me dressing up like anyone, but I do enjoy the franchise. Way back when I bought the Star Wars Galaxies Collectors Edition when it launched too. Still have it somewhere around here.
3) Stuff. The CE comes with a lot of nice physical items. I do love a good map, the authenticator will be nice to have and the statue looks neat too. As for the virtual stuff, I really don't care all that much. Usually they are not very useful beyond the start of the game. I'm also a sucker for early access :)
Those are my main reasons, not that I need to justify myself. If you don't find it to be a good value, there is always the Standard version or the Digital Deluxe.