One of my recent goals in SWTOR has been to get my hands on a Massive Anti-Air Turret. These things just look awesome, plus they shoot! They are not cheap though, and I didn't have any luck getting one in a Seneschal pack. On The Ebon Hawk, they were going for around 2 million credits.
I decided I would save up for it. As dallies are not my thing, I earned my credits through PvP. It wasn't long before I had enough saved up and bought one. Now, this decoration won't really fit in my Nar Shadda stronghold, or Kaas City/Coruscant. That leaves Tatooine, which is the most expensive of the lot.
So I broke out the Cartel Coins and bought myself the stronghold. I have to have someplace to put my new decoration right? Check out the Turret and the stronghold in the video below!
Season Seven Complete-ish
15 hours ago