I have to admit, I have been pretty lax about taking advantage of 12x XP in SWTOR. My Imperial Agent is still sitting at 28 about to take on Alderaan. The last couple of weekends, I just have not been in the leveling mood. I love the idea of 12x XP, but I refuse to alter my playing just so I can take advantage of it.
That's the main reason I want BioWare to add it to the game after 3.0. I will gladly give them extra money for the option to use it when I am in the mood. I really hope they don't make it a high level Legacy reward, as that would just restrict it to those who likely have a lot of alts already. Please, BioWare, take my money :)
So what have I been doing instead of 12x XP? In SWTOR, I have been PvPing on my Trooper to fund my Stronghold habit. I bought a Massive Anti-Air Turret and a Sandcrawler. Those weren't cheap, so I spent a good time saving up for them. I get an idea in my head, and that is what I want to do. Timed events, like 12x XP, will always come second.
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