It's time for another contest here on Werit's Blog!. This one is all about making guides for Wrath of Heroes. We have some great prizes to giveaway too, including a legendary hero who is no longer available. The guide can be about any aspect of Wrath of Heroes. Everyone who participates will receive a nice prize too.
NOTE: I'm all out of Gold Boosts, so I closed the Mission. Thanks to everyone who participated, a ton of guides were made :)
Get started now using the BLUE Sites with Benefits tab on the right side of the screen. Sign-In and start doing missions :)
Malus Darkblade. This legendary hero is no longer available in the game, so now is your chance to win him. He will be given away by lottery, and submitting guides is the best way to earn points to get your tickets.
7-Day Gold Boosts. Everyone who submits a guide, which is accepted, will get a Gold Boost. Once approved, you can find the code at on the Reader tab, under Rewards Earned. The guide should be of decent quality, as judged by me.
7-Day XP Boosts. You can also spend your points on 7-Day XP Boosts. These are great if can't write a guide, but still want to participate. Completing the Sharing mission is a great way to earn points for this reward.
1) Guides should be posted on
2) Guides must include 'Sites with Benefits' somewhere in the post, so I know that it is yours.
3) You may submit multiple guides.
4) Only 1 previously made guide can be submitted.
The contest will end January 31st at 11am EST and the Malus winner will be selected.
The Tiktokification of YouTube
2 hours ago