We are entering the final week of the WAR Game Time Giveaway. Up for grabs is a 60-Day WAR Time Card, Booster Pet codes and Specialized Training codes. The last one gives each character on your account a free XP level. Since this is the last week, I have added a couple of new missions. Most of them don't even require you to have a subscription going.
To get started, just sign in to the widget on the right.
Visit WAR on Reddit. Since the original Warhammer Online subreddit was never really used, I created a new one, go check it out!
Like this Giveaway. Like the Giveaway, let it be known on Facebook!
Name that Event. A trivia question! Get it right and receive enough points to get a lottery ticket.
Easter Egg. There have been 2 more hints for the Easter Egg hunt, with another one coming on Tuesday. Have you figured it out yet? Just snap a screenshot of it and 150 points are yours.
The giveaway will end on November 26th.
The final hint has been posted!
Albion - Review @ Wizard Worm
3 hours ago