I'm weak. When I get an idea in my head, I just got to make it happen. This time it was to play Sid Meier's Railedroads! It all started when I started to watch The Men Who Built America on the History Channel. It's a neat show about people like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Ford and the like. Railroads play a prominent part of the show, so I had to play a game about them.
I know that sometime in the past I bought the game, just like everything else with Sid's name slapped on the box. I searched my house high and low, found many other old games, but no Railroads! I still believe it is somewhere around here, but I gave up my search.
The next place I looked for it was on Steam and other digital download sites. Other than a new Mac port, I was left empty handed. For some reason they have most other Sid Meier games, but not Railroads! Not even GOG had it for sale.
I finally went to Amazon, who did have copes for sale and bought one. Thanks to Amazon Prime, it arrived yesterday. Initially, I was concerned because it was clear by the packaging that it was not an original copy. Instead, it was from something called Sold Out Software. They turned out to be a publisher in the UK, who sell physical copies of old games. They have a ton of old titles for sale.
Anyway, my quest came to an end as I loaded up the game. I only was able to play it for a little while, but it is a lot of fun especially since I have been jonsing for some railroading actions.
New Toys Vs Old Games
7 hours ago