For you youngins out there, that's New Kids on the Block. It's the month of the New Blogger Initiative, and it seems like a good time to make mention of some of the new blogs which have resulted! Remember to head on over to if you want to get involved.
First up is My Staff is Bigger than Yours. What a great name! And no, it isn't. MSiBtY is a Guild Wars 2 blog so the timing is perfect.
Another new blog is Warrior Needs Time Badly, a title we can all relate to I'm sure. Quadzi gets around, and likes to talk about it. Around the MMO gaming world that is.
Try and give those sites a visit. I'm not a fan of blogging for stats, but knowing people see what you wrote is very encouraging :)
This song always reminds me of Roller Skating.
WoW Housing Gets Some Pillars to Support It
1 hour ago