No Spoilers here. Last night SWTOR had their first real showing of the Fallen Empire expansion. Overall, it was good. There were some technical difficulties which caused an outage, and some volume issues. The stream quality was not great either, but I don't think that's a big deal. I can certainly wait to see it for myself. Now, on to the actual reveal.
Demo. They showed ~10 minutes from Chapter 3. This looked really good. The art and world team did an amazing job. BioWare seems to be continuing their focus on quality. The cinematics were top notch. The world we saw was detailed and expansive. Gameplay was what you would expect, nothing new there. So yeah, it was really cool.
Companions. They answered a few of the most common companion system questions (no spoilers). Now, if you already read the data mined information you probably didn't learn anything new. If you didn't though, this was good information. It was nice to hear BioWare come out and say it. You can check out the official wrap-up at:
I'm sure some people will be disappointed with the presentation, not me though. Saw some cool stuff, and am still excited for October 20th to get here.
Season Seven Complete-ish
15 hours ago