One of my flaws is that I have a one track mind. When I get an idea, I usually am compelled to run with it. That comes at a cost of pretty much anything else. Work, fun, doesn't matter. It all gets pushed aside until I deal with what I am focused on. I wish it was only ideas that caused this, but sadly worries do too.
The last week or so Sites with Benefits has been on my mind. If you are not familiar with SwB, it's a user engagement/promotion/giveaway system. You can see it on the right side of the page. Anyway, one of the users wanted tighter integration with Twitch. Sounded good to me, so that is what I have been obsessed with.
Luckily, we are testing it out today. I hope to go into details next week, once I am sure it is working. It should free me up to start, you know, playing games again. ESO starts up on Sunday! Plus, I want to play some Europa Universalis 4.
I was very close to buying Diablo 3 and the new expansion this week. Luckily, there were plenty of live streams to watch. That was enough to satisfy my urge to play, so I saved $70. Live streams are a funny thing. Sometimes they get me to buy a game, other times they show me enough that I don't want to buy it anymore.
World of Warcraft: Ping-ponging between alts
2 hours ago