I'm cheap, there I said it. It's hard to pry open my coin purse and get me to buy things from online game stores. There are some cases where I'm willing to make a purchase though. Then there are things I just will not buy from a store.
Cartel Packs. I will use my monthly allotment to purchase one pack from every new set. That is as far as I'll go though. You won't find my buying Cartel Coins just so I can get more Cartel Packs. I hate the unknown nature of them. I'm just not a gambler.
Stat Gear. I don't mind buying vanity gear, like the Gold Scalene set. However, I won't buy gear with stats on them. It just doesn't feel right to get those kind of items outside of the game.
Pets. I've just never been a fan of vanity pets.
Companions. This is a tough one. Even though I'm not her biggest fan, Treek is still tempting. I just feel that companion characters should be obtainable view in game quests. HK-51 was a perfect example, he had a wonderful quest line. I think BioWare missed out on a great opportunity to do it again with Treek.
How about you? What won't you spend money on?