Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Who Needs Numbers?

When it comes to stats for my blog, I used to keep a pretty close eye on them.  My tool of choice was Clicky, which provides some great real-time stats.  I even paid for it so I could monitor across a bunch of my different sites.  It was fun to watch people visit and read content.  The same went for my Youtube content.  Stats are pretty fun :)

Ever since I started my new job, over a year ago, I have not really paid any attention to stats.  And I don't really miss them at all.  While it is fun to see content become popular, it can be a downer to see something not get read much.  Honestly, it has been the latter for me ever since WAR shutdown with the occasional exception.

My blogging continues though.  Now I pretty much write for myself and the smallish community I have gained over the years.  The same goes for videos,  doing one a week is a goal I set for myself.  If people watch them, great.  If they don't get a lot of views that is ok too.  In any case, it'll improve my ability to speak in front of people, so that is a win.

Now in my sixth year of blogging, I've stopped looking at pretty much any metrics.  The data I really value now is interaction.  I love getting comments much more than a lot of views.   I try to reply to every comment, so leave one and we'll talk :)