I've started to come out of my SWTOR hibernation. Next week, patch 3.2 launches which includes a new planet called Ziost. The story introduced with the Shadow of Revan expansion continues here. It involves the now out and about Emperor. By all accounts, it should be a lot of fun. I think it will only give me a few days of content though.
The big Star Wars Celebration even was held over the weekend. BioWare held a cantina where they talked about the game and what's coming up. The 'big' news was just another teaser, sadly. Something called Fallen Empire will be announced (teased again) on June 15th. That happens to be the same day of EA's E3 conference. I'm guessing it is the name of the next game update? BioWare has not said anything about another paid expansion this year.
Other news from the cantina: a new stronghold is coming which is located on Yavin 4. It looks pretty cool so far. I'll definitely pick it up. Hopefully they up the Stronghold limit from 4 to 5 to accommodate it. No hints on when we might see this.
They also announced the return of 12x XP! I have been waiting for this one. Starting May 4th, all subscribers will have access to 12xp for class missions. No ending date was given, but Eric said it would be around for a long time. This will finally let me continue on my alts.
So I am back in SWTOR. My main is actually not at 60, as I stopped playing after I completed the expansion. With double XP, I am just about there and should be this afternoon. Then I'll mess around with some Cartel Packs and wait for Ziost to arrive.
Season Seven Complete-ish
16 hours ago